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In which…

Nico arrives back in Chiang Mai, right on schedule for the Songkran holiday new year’s celebration and gets attacked with buckets of water.
As a side note, my third New Year’s in the last 4 months (“regular” at 31.12.2012, Tet in Vietnam and Songkran in Thailand).
Wow, experiencing time zones AND season zones!

Chris has a look into Elisa Doucette’s (@elisadoucette) hoboCEO suitcase and discovers an Asian remedy for all sorts of ailments as well as way less shoes than expected.

Main feature guest interview

Tynan (@tynan) gets interviewed by Chris at the vegan Nagi café in Shibuya where they talk about the origin and pursuit of Tynan’s unconventional life, how he bought a school bus at age 18 to go on a road trip, became a book author with “Life Nomadic“, his views on the role of discipline, the “single-task life” and the fallacy of being balanced. Also, how to learn to play limit poker (and possibly make a living with it).

Plus: A taste of Chris’ former career as a rock star

What else gets mentioned?

Tynan’s book tips to learn limit poker:


  1.  Watch out Digital Nomads, It’s a Trap! hobo ceo | hobo ceo - Business, travel and shabby trousers.
  2.  how to hobo – start being a hoboCEO today hobo ceo | hobo ceo - Business, travel and shabby trousers.